Ted Nugent Bear Hunting Alaska

 Wow, This is really crazy stuff. I have been watching the price of hunting licences and tags go up every year. Its becoming harder and harder to take my daughter, nephews and nieces hunting and fishing year after year. Now we have to watch out for laws and regulations that are secretly being implemented by the federal government. Many of them carry felony charges, yes you will loose your right to hunt, posses a fire arm, or even vote.
 Recently I have been following a story about Ted Nugent pleading guilty to killing a bear in Alaska? It turns out that just in this part of Alaska there is this strange secret law, the judge never even heard of it? If you wound an animal and it gets away, that counts as your tag limit, What? Its like if you are fishing, you get a bit, you set the hook, fight the fish, and the fish gets off. This would count as your limit, fill out your tag and go home? Watch this video and watch out for your outdoor rights fellow sportsmen! http://www.theblaze.com/stories/its-planet-of-the-apes-nugent-rips-govt-over-feral-pigs-slaughter-during-beck-interview/

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